How To configure online HW Sheets?


Hello all,

Online HW Sheets are updated and available for all teachers. The program is very easy and friendly to use, if you have any question please email me and I will be happy to assist you.

Use the following steps to guide you:

1-      To access the HW sheets  go to, click on “Teacher Resources” Then "HW Sheets”

2-      Click on your name.

3-      Login -   user: (--------) Password: (---------) {user and password info are in an attached separate file}

4-       Click on “Initial Information” tap, on the top left


5-      Click on edit, enter your information, then click save.  (On some computers, you may need to click on “Compatibility View” to save/view data).

6-      Click on “HW Sheets” tap, on the top left

7-      Your information will be displayed , then Click on “Add New HW”

8-      You will be able to upload your files from your computer; do not forget to type the HW number.

9-      Click on save, and you are done!

10-   Your students can access the HW sheets from the website as well,, click on “Students”,“HW Sheets” , click on the teacher’s name.

